You can open it by going to the Applications folder. Make sure that the network name on both devices match.On Mac, click the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar.The first step is to ensure that your Mac and Apple TV are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.How to make Apple TV screen recordings and screen shots In QuickTime Player, go to File > New Movie Recording. It is important to note that this method will not allow you to record DRM-protected content, like Netflix movies. How to make Apple TV screen recordings and screen shots QuickTime Player.

Select File, and choose New Movie Recording, to begin working on your video. Whatever the reason is, it is really easy to record or take of picture of what is going on your Apple TV. Launch QuickTime Player (already available on your Mac). For example, you may need to take a screenshot of your Apple TV for a presentation, or you may need your Apple TV screen recordings because you are trying to create a YouTube tutorial video about the games you play on your TV. There can be several reasons why you may want to do this. For this, we will only use the built-in tools. This involves a few simple steps using your Mac. If you want to change the source of your input such as if you have multiple microphones, you can click Input at the bottom of the screen and choose the relevant device. I should note that your screen videos can include your Apple TV sound, if you want. This will let you create a screen recording of your Apple TV screen.

Save as: Define where the recording should be automatically saved once you’ve completed your video.

Before you start recording your Mac screen, you can configure the following settings via the “Options” tab: When holding down the shift + command (⌘) + 5 keys at the same time, the symbols toolbar will launch all its controls.

That’s because Apple has extended its Mac screenshot tool with a screen recording feature. Thanks to the extended screenshot symbol toolbar in macOS Mojave, recording the screen on your MacBook or another Mac device can be activated in just a few steps. Although Quick Time Player can record the contents of the screen, it cannot record the internal audio or system sound of your Mac during screen recording.